It is time again for an annual post dedicated to the completion of another year of life by one Alexandria Diane. Every day of every year this little girl amazes me with her knowledge and compassion. I feel continually blessed to be her mother. Lexie's entire 4th year of life was spent living in England. This makes 1/4 of her entire life in another country, and by the time we move back to America, that number will double to 1/2.
You became a big sister just 1 month after your 3rd birthday. You took to your baby sister straight away showing very little jealousy and overwhelming amounts of love and care. Watching you and Julia over this past year has been the greatest joy in my life. You spent many months talking and dreaming of the things "your baby" would one day do. Not once during those early months did you expect too much of Julia. You showered her with patience and love every step of the way. As she began to roll, crawl, and talk, you beamed with pride. I still recall sitting in a German hotel room in October 2010 when Julia first crawled. It was you to whom she crawled. You sat across the room cheering, "Come on Julia, come on!" again and again as she crawled her way to you. Then you would run to the other side of the room and repeat the process. Today you are by far Julia's favorite person, and it is not hard to see why.
In June, you began preschool at First Step Playgroup. Play group has been the catalyst of so much growth in the past year. Going to preschool was the first time you and mommy were ever apart, and you did so well being away. During school (as well as in Tumble Tots classes) you were very much a quiet observer at first. You were well behaved and enjoyed doing many activities, but you preferred working alone or alongside your "friends" Katie Watie, Tatie Watie, and Brother Matthew. I will always remember the day your teacher approached me concerned about your playing and singing on your own. That evening I asked you about it, and you very eagerly told me Katie, Tatie, and Matthew all joined you at school. After that, those friends began attending their own school, and you so very quickly turned the corner with confidence. You have completely conquered every bit of preschool and are now ready to begin "big school" in the fall. You are excellent with recognition of letters, numbers, shapes, rhyming words, opposites, basic addition and subtraction, and so much more. You enjoy writing, drawing, and coloring now as well.

Your first day of school, June 2010
During your 4th year of life you traveled to York, London, Bath, Stonehenge, Bristol, Northern Wales (Tintern Abbey), Scotland (Edinburgh and St. Andrews), Lyme Park, Liverpool, Richmond, St. Louis, France (Champagne region), Belgium (Brugge), Luxembourg, Germany (Trier), and Italy (Rome). You travel extremely well, and are certainly a pro by now!


Edinburgh, Scotland

Trier, Germany

Rome, Italy
For your 4th birthday, we planned a party at home. When I asked you who you wanted to invite, you began rattling off names of friends from school. The day before your planned party, you came down with pink eye. Fortunately, mommy was the only one disappointed, and you were such a big girl about it all! We rescheduled your party about a week later. It was a Peppa Pig themed party, and you had a blast with your friends! It was your first non-family party. Your actual birthday fell on a Wednesday. Nina was visiting, and we had a small celebration at home with a homemade cake, presents from mommy, daddy, and Nina, and a special outing with just you and mommy. I took you to your very first movie at the theater. We saw Tangled, and then went to Pizza Hut for dinner in Peterborough.

When you turned 3, I still considered you a toddler. Now that you are 4, you are all little girl. You have changed so much over the past year in so many ways. Your vocabulary is tremendous. Every time we use a word with which you are unfamiliar you immediately ask for the definition and context. You hate not knowing something and like to think you are always right. We're still working on that one. You are so full of love and compassion for your family. You give mommy a hug and a kiss to start each day (although you claim to only give hugs and kisses on school days). You like to play it cool with daddy but are a daddy's girl in secret. You love to sit with him and have some cuddles in the evenings when he comes home from work. With Julia, you are a shining example of patience and love. Julia often pulls your hair, and you respond by very calmly telling her "We don't pull hair" or "Be gentle, Julia," never by yelling or getting upset. I am so very proud of the girl you are and am looking so forward to sharing this next year of growth and changes with you. God grant you many years!