04 November 2010

The loss of a family member

On a recent trip across the English channel, we lost a dear member of our family: Kaelynn.
Kaelynn joined our family on 25 December 2007 and fell victim to loss and assumed kidnapping 8 October 2010. Kaelynn was a well traveled child. Having lived in both America and England, she traveled the 2 countries extensively with her mother, Alexandria. She also visted Paris, France with her mother. She was preparing for a trip through France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany at the time of the loss. She may be gone but never forgotten.

To America and back

I must once again apologize for my hiatus. It has been nearly 3 months since we made our first trip back home and Julia's first trip to America. On the 28th of August, our family of 4 flew out of London's Heathrow airport to St. Louis, MO (with a brief stop in Chicago).

The girls both did very well on the flight. The only mishap we had was 1 blowout diaper surprise, which of course occurred just after lunch was served. Fortunately, I had packed a change of clothes for everybody, because Julia and I certainly both needed ours! The onboard television screens and radio kept both girls entertained for the majority of the flight.

Highlights of the trip:

  • Visiting with all of our fabulous friends and family

Smiles with Mawmaw
Spending time with cousins Elijah and Abigail
This was our first time meeting Abby and their first time meeting Julia, cousins born 11 days apart

Cousins Brody and Julia
  • Attending services at our home church, Nativity of the Virgin Mary, including sharing in the 110th anniversary with Metropolitan Jonah

  • Julia's first Cardinals game

  • Visiting the St. Louis Zoo
  • Enjoying the BEAUTIFUL weather

Chilling by the pool

Julia's first time in the pool-- She loved it!

Unfortunately, the return trip did not go quite as smoothly as the first flight. Ryan returned to England on the 5th of September as he needed to get back to work. The girls of the Herman family stayed an additional week, returning on the 12th. I planned the flights to have a connection in New York, thus making the 2nd flight shorter than flying from the midwest. This plan backfired on me in a major way as BOTH girls fell asleep on the flight from St. Louis to New York. If you have ever tried to wake a sleeping 3 year old, then you likely know what I dealt with once the flight landed in New York. Despite the embarrassment of the giant spectacle, we made it to our next flight with time to spare. The next flight, though long, passed smoothly.

The one thing I was concerned about for myself with this trip was that I would fall homesick and dread the return to England. Much to my surprise and happiness, this was not the case at all. It was during this trip that I realized how well we have all adapted to living in England. Although I thoroughly enjoyed the visit "home," it felt even better to return HOME!