17 June 2010

3 months old

Julia is now 3 months old and of course leaves us wondering, "Where has the time gone?" As of Tuesday she weighs 14 lbs 8 1/2 oz and is approximately 25 inches long. While still a very healthy size her growth curve is slowing down. She is below the 90th percentile for the first time. She has some issues with gas and spitting up but so far has not required any treatment for them. Mostly I am just watching my own diet. I have had to entirely give up oranges and orange juice because of her reaction. I also limit my dairy intake and other acidic fruits. I plan to have her weighed once more in a couple of weeks and am hoping she maintains a steady growth curve.

She is very smiley and talkative. Currently her favorite activity is lying on mommy and daddy's bed and watching the ceiling fan turn. She has been laughing a bit for a couple of weeks now. The past few days Alexandria has made her laugh every single day! Mommy and daddy warn big sister often about being too rough or too touchy with Julia, yet Julia does not seem to mind at all. Let that be a lesson to us overly concerned adults! Julia also loves to stand up on our laps or the floor holding our hands. Her head control is excellent, and she does well with tummy time pushing herself up on her own. While on her tummy she often grabs the mat or blanket on which she is lying and kicks with her feet. Doing this she scoots all over the place!

She sleeps absolutely wonderfully! She regularly goes to bed between 10 and 11 PM. If not disturbed in the morning she will sleep until after 9, but often is woken by her sister between 6 and 7. Daytime naps are not yet regular. She most often has two or three 1 hour naps or one 3 hour nap. When she is awake she is very alert, talkative, and playful just like her big sister!
"Watch out world"
Proud big sister

09 June 2010

First Day of School

Yesterday Alexandria started a new chapter in her life. She started preschool, also called 'play group' here in Somersham. Because year-round school is in place, she was able to start during the summer term. She attends First Step play group on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The program and teachers are wonderful and allow Julia and I to come along and stay until Lexie is ready to stay on her own. Tuesday we stayed about an hour, and then left for an hour. When we returned Lexie was doing wonderfully, watching the other children's show and tell. She didn't even notice we were in the room! Her first day included playing at the sand table, painting, drawing, playing doctor with baby dolls, running in the garden between bouts of rain, a story, and show and tell. Ever since we moved, she insists on being called Alexandria in public, so that is what she goes by at school. Here are some before school pictures from her first day:
She enjoyed a peanut butter bagel, mandarin oranges, and milk for breakfast

Thursday went even better than Tuesday! She gave me a hug and told me bye straight away in the morning and stayed at school all morning on her own with absolutely no problems!