09 June 2010

First Day of School

Yesterday Alexandria started a new chapter in her life. She started preschool, also called 'play group' here in Somersham. Because year-round school is in place, she was able to start during the summer term. She attends First Step play group on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The program and teachers are wonderful and allow Julia and I to come along and stay until Lexie is ready to stay on her own. Tuesday we stayed about an hour, and then left for an hour. When we returned Lexie was doing wonderfully, watching the other children's show and tell. She didn't even notice we were in the room! Her first day included playing at the sand table, painting, drawing, playing doctor with baby dolls, running in the garden between bouts of rain, a story, and show and tell. Ever since we moved, she insists on being called Alexandria in public, so that is what she goes by at school. Here are some before school pictures from her first day:
She enjoyed a peanut butter bagel, mandarin oranges, and milk for breakfast

Thursday went even better than Tuesday! She gave me a hug and told me bye straight away in the morning and stayed at school all morning on her own with absolutely no problems!

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